Most of the problems have been grownup stuff, to do with funding, his school, which is also his service provider, and his bus driver. It hasn't been disastrous, just grinding and stressful. We will be moving this summer, and finding him a new service provider, which means renegotiating with the government agency that funds his therapies. That is not going to be fun, but is necessary. There have been issues with trust and expectations with how his therapies are administered. The SP at one point called child protective services, due to concerns about "hygiene and safety" surrounding his ongoing fecal smearing. I won't go into detail here, suffice it to say, the CPS worker found no concerns, nor reason to open a file. The SP still refused to move Monkey's therapy back into the home, citing concerns about the risks to his therapists, their employees. Funding here is contingent on home based therapy. In the end, the funding agency agreed to allow his therapy to continue on site at his school until the end of this term (June 27th), after which we will have to find a new provider, given that no amount of cleaning, negotiating or reassurances has changed the mind of the SP on coming into our home.
This has, as you might guess, left some feelings of betrayal and disappointment. He has done very well with the current SP, but they can't be bothered to accept his level of challenges.
Meanwhile, the end of year festivities are a little bittersweet for me. The parent appreciation tea was yesterday. The kids did a little singing show and there was cake and a slide show of the children in his class. I almost didn't go. I didn't want to be civil and polite to the people who had been so adversarial and dismissive of me so recently.
I am really am glad I went. After all, this part isn't about me. This about celebrating our kids, and all their hard work. I couldn't be more proud of my little Monkey.
Holy guacamole, I don't know how you were able to be civil about the SP. My mind exploded just reading that!